Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maddie at 14 1/2 months...

I have to say that I'm a wee bit obsessed with Maddie's milestones. Not in a bad way, it's actually more of a concern because of her being born premature. With every new thing that Maddie learns I become a little less worried and more and more amazed! In the last couple weeks Maddie has mastered several new signs and new words and is now walking without the hesitation she had been showing.

I still find it very odd to see her walking. She looks like she's too small to be doing something so grown up! But she definitely has more confidence and can now, stoop and recover, bend down to grab a toy and stand back up, and she can stand up on her own without falling.

Yesterday, Ken was on call. He called to say good night and while he was talking to Maddie she started doing the sign for Daddy. She had done it before, but this was a clear indication that she knows exactly what it means.

Then today in her bath she said "Baby", this she has been saying for a while now, but along with saying it, she did the sign for it. It was way too cute!

I've also noticed that when I change her diaper she says something along the lines of "DaiDai" At first I thought she was babbling, but she would say this only when she saw her diaper. I think this is her version of the word.

She also does the sign for Mommy...thank goodness! I was starting to feel a bit left out! And for a while now, she can do Milk, All Done, Eat and More. I really need to get out the Baby Sign Language book so I can teach her more.

And something that has really amazed me is that she understands simple commands and actually does what she's asked. She can close doors, put things back, turn off lights, flip through her book to find a picture of a baby, bear or ducky (her three favorites right now!) shocks me sometimes that this little creature does what I ask!

She is definitely a little sponge so I have to make sure I infuse as much information into her as I can!!!

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