Saturday, March 15, 2008


I have started a new job. Before today, my work life consisted of one part time job as an Admitting Clerk working 2 half days/week, plus a part-time job (20hrs/week) as a Research Assistant (mostly working from home), plus of course all the work for my thesis. Add to that my mommy work and I am truly working overtime. So why did I get another job? Well, my RA job will be ending soon so I will be losing the income those 20 hrs provides. And we need the extra cash I can bring home. Oh, in other news we are going to be going to Mexico again this year (the super good deal made me do it!). Hence, we need the extra cash I can bring home! So I will now be adding 5 half day shifts as a Data Processing Clerk (Mon-Fri; 18hrs/week) to my life. I will be taking a leave from my Admitting Clerk position. The good thing is that it's a one year temporary position, so it won't be forever. I do get my own little "office" and it has a window! I am hoping I can get a plant to grow nicely in there to brighten up the place. I am looking forward to the change in work. But not to the change in my free time. I have always wanted to be a stay-at-home/work-at-home mommy, and I know one day I will be able to do that. I am going to miss being home with Maddie 3 full days a week, but I will be happy with being able to be home with my darling in the afternoons and weekends! And of course, there are always vacation days!

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