Monday, November 8, 2010

A good thing...

Whoazers. It's Attachment Parenting week in my world!

That's all I've posted about recently, I had my Attachment Parenting lecture at the library today and I'll let you guess what tomorrow's carnival post is going to be about...

That's good though. I'm not complaining. I have really had some insightful moments, been feeling the flow happening, and I am happy.

The lecture tonight was good {based on attendance and the way I feel it went...hopefully the attendees thought it was good too}. As always, I get nervous before I am to speak publicly, but once I get started I am fine. I did find my throat got really dry. I didn't make a point to drink water here and there so I paid the price.

It was nice to see people showing an interest in this. I loved that there were a few pregnant women there in addition to some parents. It's nice to see that there are people out there who care and are being active participants in their role as parents.

I'm excited and feel very blessed that I have the opportunity to share this info and research and my experience with others and hopefully make their parenting journey more enjoyable.

Next up is planning the first support group meeting and getting a regular schedule set up for that.

But for now I need to go to bed. This time change has really messed things up.

1 comment:

  1. just realizing now that your talk was tonight - with hubby heading out on a trip tomorrow and B and I the next day there is lots of last minute scrambling around here - would have loved to have made it glad to hear it went well.

    I was perusing your blog this afternoon while B nursed / napped and when she awoke she was excited to see pictures of your little ones.

    Hope to cross paths with you and the kiddos sometime soon



Thanks for letting me know you stopped by!