Sunday, March 21, 2010

The No Can Challenge

Considering the fact that most linings in canned food contain BPA, a few of the people that work at EWG have started a week long challenge of not using cans when cooking. I wondered if we could do it too? We don't really use canned food all that much, but sometimes we do out of convenience or because it's the only way to get that certain ingredient (pineapple is one of those!). I really would like to see if we can avoid them all together, not just for a week but for good. It's going to take some careful planning and searching in the grocery stores to find those hard to get items, but it will definitely be worth it in the long run. My plan is to go through my pantry and see what I have there and what I use the most. I am sure I can replace almost all canned stuff with fresh ingredients. If it can't be found fresh I will have to find a frozen or different packaging alternative.

Check out the post on EWG for more info.

March 24/10
P.S. I wanted to add this link to an article which contains a nice summary of info on BPA

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