Saturday, March 20, 2010


Ah. Spring is officially here and I am thrilled! Welcome, welcome, welcome! We have been waiting for many months for you to arrive....

The weather has been so lovely that the mood in the city is changing. People's Winter blues (including mine) are being replaced with a fresh, peppy, energizing aura. Today I started on my Spring cleaning. A bit of dusting and cleaning behind furniture and the appliances should do the trick this year. Oh and of course I also want to clean out our closets of clothes and shoes we no longer need. Another thing I want to do is organize all the toy mayhem! It's a nice feeling to shed the clutter and organize your living space.

What is also very exciting is that we will be starting our garden soon. This year we want to grow a bit more and so our garden boxes will be much larger and with more variety than last year. It will be quite the adventure! To follow on our garden's progress visit The Mainland Gardener.

Well I'm off to put the kids to bed for a nap and to have a nap myself...

1 comment:

  1. Aaah we did our spring cleaning too, on Saturday.Aaah it feels soo good to have a really clean and organize house,but then again we're not gonna be here for a long time.We'll be moving pretty soon.So beginning April our adventure will begin.

    Enjoy the weather in Canada.


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