Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sharing {part of} my Story

My article is being featured at Natural Parents Network today. The topic is about overcoming infertility the natural way. I haven't really written about that journey on this {or my previous} blog. I reserved that stuff for an anonymous semi private blog. But, I am ready to move past that and share my experiences and hopefully help someone along the way. If you have a minute check it out!

P.S. I have to say it feels nice {really nice!} to be featured at a community like NPN :-)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to be able to read your story Kat. I know what you mean about it needing to feel right about sharing these types of struggles. I also wanted to be very private about it, and there are areas that are still tough to talk about 100% openly but I've found taking the veil off and chatting about it is helping me deal with it alot better. Loving reading your writing!


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